The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss

by Jason Fung, MD


Obesity is a public health problem in the developed world, and it’s on the rise. But here’s the problem: decades of just-so stories have led us up the garden path with their claims that the answer is rapid weight loss and avoiding dietary fats. In truth, obesity is largely a genetic issue linked to insulin levels. The real culprit isn’t fat itself but the wrong kinds of fat – modified trans fats – and highly refined carbohydrates and sugars which lead to insulin resistance. Cut down on those, and you’re much less likely to be at risk of obesity and related health issues.

Actionable advice: Try intermittent fasting.

Fasting is often a great way of reducing your insulin levels and avoiding insulin resistance. When and how often you should fast is something best discussed with your doctor, of course, but here are a couple of ideas to get you started. One option is to fast one day every week, avoiding food but making sure to keep yourself well hydrated with a liquid breakfast of water or tea, more hot beverages and a vegetable broth for lunch. Come dinnertime, you’ll want to eat something light – ideally, some protein and nutritious vegetables. Don’t include carbohydrates or sugars. The next day, return to your regular diet. Keep that up for a while, and you’ll drastically reduce your insulin levels.

Disclaimer: All of the books presented are resources we found helpful but does not mean to be medical advice nor in any way to be an endorsement of any of the books listed herein. Always consult a physician for all medical advice.


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