How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

by Michael Greger and Gene Stone


Michael Greger, MD, is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and doctor. Gene Stone is the author who specializes in plant-based nutrition.

The word “diet” has been used in so many bad contexts, that it lost its true meaning. A diet is not about getting you ready to flaunt your body on the beach. Diets are a change in your overall eating habits so that you can reap the benefits such as improved health and longer life.

There are some scientifically proven facts about your diet, which you can follow to improve your life.

The core principle of the advice that follows is: eat a plant-based diet.Studies show that plant-based diets can not only prevent but reverse disease.Yes, for doctors it might be easier to prescribe drugs, but medication poses much more threats than a simple change of diet will ever do.

Living in a society that is obsessed with looks, people face an overflow of information on diets. So it is not rare that people feel confused about where to start.That is where “How Not to Die” comes into play.

What should your diet consist of?

Well, for starters, you have to add fruit: several servings of it a day. When we say fruit, we mean whole fruit, not a smoothy or a juice. Nowadays, everyone is obsessed with smoothies and “healthy” drinks, but do not fall into that trap.When blended, fruit loses all its fiber, which makes the ratio of sugar-fibre correlation higher.

Let’s also not forget about the veggies! Leafy greens are the ones that will protect you from all those threatening diseases. There are different types of vegetables, and adding five servings a day will immensely improve your health. Also, add beans and whole grains, three times a day.

Remember, when you pick your whole grain products, avoid products that are labelled “multi-grain” since they are not whole grains.

Finally, add a serving of seeds and nuts.

The most important thing to remember when you transform your diet is to have fun! You have a wide array of foods to choose from, and you can combine them however you want in healthy and tasty meals. In no time, choosing the healthy path will be a habit you will wish to have adopted sooner.

Key Lessons from “How Not to Die”

  • Switch to Plant-Based Diet - Switching your diet to a plant-based one can keep you healthier, and extend your life. Many of the diseases modern humans suffer from are directly connected to animal-based foods. Even better, by changing what you feed your body with, you can not only prevent diseases but also reverse them.
  • Be Creative - The only way you will stay on track with your diet is if you have fun with it. So, cook creatively and try to add all recommended foods in your daily intake.
  • Cut on Beverages - When you choose what you drink – your best bet is water. Then, coffee and tea have powerful positive effects on your health. However, everything else is just bad for you.

Disclaimer: All of the books presented are resources we found helpful but does not mean to be medical advice nor in any way to be an endorsement of any of the books listed herein. Always consult a physician for all medical advice.


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