Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. These behaviors and symptoms worsen overtime.

Diagnosis can be made based on symptoms, family medical history, past health conditions, current or past medications and lifestyle habits. There are currently no tests available for a 100-percent accurate diagnosis which makes misdiagnosis common for the disease.

From CBS News


The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is made based on symptoms. No blood test or imaging test is currently available to diagnose the disease with 100 percent accuracy, which is why misdiagnoses occur. In addition, Alzheimer's is a much more complex disease than once thought, making a correct diagnosis even harder. However, progress is being made in finding better ways to diagnose the disease, Hartley said.

Kristofferson has now stopped taking medication for Alzheimer’s and started getting properly treated for Lyme disease. Lisa Meyers, his wife, tells Rolling Stone that they have seen shocking improvement in Kris’s failing memory ever since.

Read the full article here.

Please review medical papers discussing the Azheimer’s and Lyme connection here.