Lyme Disease has been reported in all 50 US states and more than 65 countries worldwide.

The disease which was first discovered in New England (Lyme, CT) has been expanding its footprint across the country with hot spots in the northern midwest and on the coast in California.

From Bay Area Lyme

From Bay Area Lyme

On the West Coast, the primary carrier is the Western blacklegged tick, or Ixodes pacificus, and its principal host the grey squirrel. (This differs from the East Coast where the Eastern Blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, is the principal carrier and the white-footed mouse its primary host.). The Western blacklegged tick has been found in all but two California counties (56 in total) and infected ticks have been discovered in 42 counties.

In California, infected ticks have been found in 42 out of 58 counties.

In California, infected ticks have been found in 42 out of 58 counties.