Our Mission

We believe everyone has a right to a healthy life.

Unfortunately, those affected by Lyme and its co-infections often are robbed of their health and are sent on an odyssey to (1) get properly diagnosed, (2) get correct medical treatment, and (3) afford the tests and treatments that often are not covered by insurance. 

When the whole family was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2017, we developed a strong community who provided us with guidance on the best resources, doctors, and treatments. We are forever grateful to every person who helped during this process.

Our journey showed us the necessity of patient self-advocacy and being informed. YOU know your body and mind better than anyone else. We hope this page is helpful in informing and accelerating your diagnostic and healing journey.

Our mission is to enable everyone to live a healthy and meaningful life.

For Lyme patients, this means funding educational awareness campaigns, research for a diagnostic and a cure, and companies accelerating treatments.

We are looking to partner with the best problem solvers, “biggest brains” on the planet, and passionate people who want to make a difference.

I hope you will join us.