Lyme Disease Basics Part 2

Here is the list of videos we've complied to educate you further on the disease: 

1. Two short videos that are good primers for Lyme 

2. Wall Street Journal June 2018

Lyme is way worse than you think.

3. ABC News podcast March 2018

4. NBC News investigates war on lyme October 2017

5. Dr. Spector of Duke  (cancer researcher) was misdiagnosed

He required a heart transplant due to Lyme Carditis. He suspected Lyme Disease but the faulty tests mislead him to the wrong conclusion.

6. Designer Tommy Hilfiger's daughter got lyme at age 7, misdiagnosed for over a decade, had roving joint pain, headaches, sore throats.etc. She wrote a book called "Bite Me". She had to be treated for 11 years.

7. Tickborne Disease Congressional Committee Patient testimony

**Note he says chronic Lyme doesn't exist and yet he cites latest research showing evidence that post antibiotic treatment the Borelia bacteria still persists.

"Marina Makous, a family medicine doctor in Exton, Pennsylvania, and a former fellow at the Neuroinflammatory Diseases Center at Columbia University’s Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center, is among a small though growing group of physicians with expertise in Lyme and related diseases.

She says that many of her patients have seen anywhere from 25 to 40 doctors without a successful diagnosis before they come to her. “It's very serious. I think there is an under appreciation of the seriousness of this illness, especially when [physicians] don't treat patients with Lyme disease on a daily basis."

Part of the problem is that Lyme “is the great imitator,” Makous says. “It’s a multi-systemic disease. There aren’t specific symptoms unique only to Lyme. It can look like stroke, like Alzheimer’s, like vasculitis, like neuropathy.” She cites the example of musician Kris Kristofferson, who was first misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s. When he was eventually correctly diagnosed and treated for Lyme, his symptoms improved."

11. Meat allergies from tick bite 

12.  Bay Area Lyme Foundation

13. Kris Newby, author of "Bitten" about her research showing we weaponized ticks during the Cold War


Neuroborreliosis Papers and References


Lyme Disease Basics Part 1