Lyme Disease Basics Part 1

I have found to be a very helpful site. 

You might also want to check out this fact-checked Guide from Chris Kresser.

This article from The Atlantic covers some of the controversy, as well as struggle to be diagnosed.

Lyme Disease Is Baffling, Even to Experts

In the fall of 1997, after I graduated from college, I began experiencing what I called “electric shocks”—tiny stabbing sensations that flickered over my legs and arms every morning. They were so extreme that as I walked to work from my East Village basement apartment, I often had to stop on Ninth Street and rub my legs against a parking meter, or else my muscles would begin twitching and spasming. My doctor couldn’t figure out what was wrong—dry skin, he proposed—and eventually the shocks went away. A year later, they returned for a few months, only to go away again just when I couldn’t bear it anymore...

Read full story here.

As well as this Questionnaire for diagnosing (mentioned in the above article).

Here are the two of the best books on Lyme Disease:

© Sawyer Products

© Sawyer Products

And this spray is what you should spray your clothes and let dry with:

Sawyer Products SP657 Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Trigger Spray, 24-Ounce


I’m happy to send more detailed links for videos, articles, and research papers if it is of interest 



Lyme Disease Basics Part 2